Andrea Burattin

Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark

A Characterisation of Ambiguity in BPM

M. Franceschetti, R. Seiger, H.A. López, A. Burattin, L. García-Bañuelos, B. Weber
Paper cover

Business Process Management is concerned with process-related artefacts such as informal specifications, formal models, and event logs. Often, these process-related artefacts may be affected by ambiguity, which may lead to misunderstandings, modelling errors, non-conformance, and incorrect interpretations. To date, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of ambiguity in process-related artefacts is still missing. Here, following a systematic development process with strict adherence to established guidelines, we propose a taxonomy of ambiguity, identifying a set of concrete ambiguity types related to these process-related artefacts. The proposed taxonomy and ambiguity types help to detect the presence of ambiguity in process-related artefacts, paving the road for improved processes. We validate the taxonomy with external process experts.

Paper Information and Files

In Proceedings of ER - Conceptual Modeling 2023, pp 277–295; Lisbon, Portugal; November 2023.

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