Andrea Burattin

Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark

Granularity in Process Mining: Can we fix it?

F. Zerbato, R. Seiger, G. Di Federico, A. Burattin, B. Weber

Process mining techniques rely on the availability of event logs, where events have a certain granularity that is deemed appropriate for representing business activities. In this paper, we discuss why choosing a proper granularity level during preprocessing can be challenging and reflect on the implications that such a “fixed” view over the process bears for the analysis. Then, inspired by use cases in the context of user behavior analysis, we envision possible solutions that allow exploring and mining multiple granularity levels of process activities.

Paper Information and Files

In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS 2021); September 6-10, 2021.

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